Dog and Beth babysit, Party was fun, Cars rules the house

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Yes, I let Dog the Bounty Hunter and Beth babysit for Boo Boo La La while we enjoyed smoked ham, my KILLER mashed potatoes and many glasses of vino at J and B's annual cocktail party last night. B and I even did a shot of t-killia! It was good, but I threw it straight at the back of my throat and almost coughed it up! Amatuer, I tell ya. See what happens when you get old?

Do not do it.

J's sista' is knocked up...which is nice. There will be another round of babies I guess.

Cars, the Pixar movie, has become a Boo Boo La La obsession. We played her the movie once and she is now totally in love. We have watched it at least six times this weekend over various time periods. And at Target today she saw CARS STUFF. So, she got a pillow to go with her blanket that Jake made her....

See the obsession? She is beware...she asked to pee shortly after the video was taken.

Yes, a new development. She asked to, and actually PEED in her little Potty. No, I did not photograph that event. But, I am PROUD.

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